India started its journey as a free country in 1947 with 300 million population, 50 MT of annual food grain production and 15 BCM of water storage. After 70 years it is reported to have 1300 million population, over 200 BCM of water storage and 278 MT of annual food grain production. Storey of food security went ahead hand in hand with development and management of water resources. The same is the pattern of economic growth that has gone up with the development and management of water resources. Be it agricultural development to earmark food security or the economic growth – management of water resources is the sine qua non. But the pandemic drove home one more point. In the first quarter of 2020-21 when the GDP growth rate of India nosedived and the so-called determinants of development – industry, power and energy sectors reported -23.9% but the agricultural sector which is viewed as a sign of backwardness by many reported 3.4%. For a long period of 4 years after pandemic that over 800 million people could be served free food grains which is nowhere reported in any of the economic tell-tale. This is the real contribution of the silent water sector.